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How to Grow Hair Naturally: Proven Tips & Remedies

October 10, 2024 6 min read

How to Grow Hair Naturally

Have you ever learned that you can grow your hair naturally with only some simple but effective steps? In a world that is rigged with chemical filled hair products, many have started to look to natural remedies for hair growth. Naturally, the search for long, luscious locks isn’t new, but the approach has definitely changed. People are now looking for natural remedies to stimulate hair growth on the head because they aren't relying on products with unknown ingredients.

But don’t worry, this new comprehensive guide will take you through some of the best tips on how to grow your hair naturally, so that it stays healthy and beautiful.

Understanding Hair Growth: The Basics

However before we get into natural hair growth remedies, let's know where hair grows in phases? There are four distinct phases of hair growth:

  • Anagen phase (growth phase): This is when the hair is growing and lasts for 2-6 years. The longer your hair comes towards this phase the longer it will grow, of course.
  • Catagen phase (transition phase): 2 to 3 weeks short phase, where hair growth stops.
  • Telogen phase (resting phase): The hair follicle is dormant and hair can stay dormant up to three months.
  • Exogen phase (shedding phase): Hair falls out to allow new hair to grow in its place.

However, now your ultimate goal should be to increase the anagen phase and improve scalp health in order to grow longer and thicker hair.

Eat a Hair-Healthy Diet

Similar to hair growth, the phrase 'you are what you eat,' applies. However, causing hair loss or slow hair growth, mainly deficiency of nutrients is one of the causes. Include the following nutrients into your diet:

  • Protein: Keratin is a protein so hair is made up of protein so it is important to have enough protein in your diet. Good sources include foods like eggs, fish and lentils.
  • Iron: When you are having an iron deficiency, you tend to have thinning hair. To do this, include spinach, red meat, lentils and pumpkin seeds in your diet.
  • Vitamins A, C, & E: These vitamins help healthy scalp and give antioxidants to prevent hair loss. Sweet potatoes and citrus fruits, and even almonds, are excellent choices.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega 3 will make you both healthy and giddy because they promote hair development as well as nourishes the scalp.
  • Zinc: Zinc is helpful to hair tissue growth and repair. High in zinc are oysters, chickpeas and nuts.
  • Scalp Care: The Foundation of Hair Growth

    Scalp Care Tips

    Above all, it's the healthy scalp that makes the hair healthy. However, there can be scalp buildup, clogged follicles or poor circulation that might prevent hair growth. Here’s how to take care of your hair and scalp:

    • Scalp massage: A daily scalp massage promotes growth and boosts blood circulation to hair follicles. Massaging your scalp with your fingers in circular motions 5-10 minutes a day.
    • Essential oils: The other oils that you can use are those such as rosemary, peppermint, or tea tree. But research has found that these oils increase hair growth, relieve dandruff, and alleviate inflammation.
    • Regular Scrubbing: Your scalp, like the rest of your skin, wants exfoliation. Once a week, remove dead skin cells and build up from the product with a gentle scrub made of sugar and your favorite oil.

    Natural Hair Masks for Growth

    Natural ingredients hair masks are effective for nourishing your hair with nutrition and improving your hair growth. Here are some homemade hair masks to try:

    • Egg and Olive Oil Mask: Olive oil gives moisture and nutrients, eggs are a source of protein. In a bowl, mix two eggs with two tablespoons of olive oil; apply to hair and scalp; leave for 30 minutes, then wash off.
    • Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil Mask: The scalp is soothed with aloe vera and dandruff is reduced and hair is deeply nourished and repaired by coconut oil. If it is fresh, mix aloe vera gel with coconut oil and leave it on for 45 minutes, after which you should rinse it off.
    • Avocado and Honey Mask: Healthy fats such as those present in avocado condition the hair and honey is rich for antioxidant properties to improve scalp health. Bashing one ripe avocado and mixing it with a tablespoon of honey, then rub all over your scalp and let it on for 30 minutes, and then clean the scalp.

    Hair Growth Herbal Remedies

    Centuries ago, people used some ayurvedic and herbal remedies to promote the growth of hair. Some of the most natural and effective herbs include:

    • Bhringraj: Bhringraj is known as the 'king of herbs' for hair because it stimulates hair growth, controls dandruff and prevents premature graying and baldness. Bhringraj oil or powder can be found and used in hair masks.
    • Amla (Indian gooseberry): Amla is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants making it strong for hair and encourages growth. Apply amla oil on your scalp or make amla powder into a hair mask.
    • Fenugreek seeds: Seeds being rich in iron and protein, it promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall. For optimal results, soak fenugreek seeds overnight, grind them into a paste, and apply to your scalp for 30 minutes.
    • Hibiscus: You can use hibiscus flowers (a favorite of gourmands—cats and dogs) and hibiscus leaves to thicken hair and help it grow. You can boil hibiscus petals in water, strain and use the balden liquid as a hair faster or combine it with coconut oil and it's a mask!

    The Role of Stress Management

    Stress is an important factor contributing to hair loss. It can trigger conditions like telogen effluvium, where hair prematurely enters the resting phase and falls out in large amounts. Here are some ways to manage stress for better hair growth:

    • Meditation and yoga: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine. Yoga, especially poses like the (Adho Mukha Svanasana) downward dog, can increase blood circulation to the scalp.
    • Regular exercise: Exercise reduces stress hormones and boosts blood flow to the scalp. You should exercise at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
    • Adequate sleep: Poor sleep can lead to stress and hair loss. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to give your body the time it needs to repair and grow.

    Avoiding Hair Damage: The Do’s and Don’ts

    Avoiding Hair Damage

    Certain habits can harm your hair and prevent it from growing as long and healthy as possible. Follow these do’s and don’ts:


    • Use a wide-tooth comb: When detangling wet hair, use a wide-tooth comb to prevent breakage.
    • Air-dry your hair: Heat styling tools like blow dryers and straighteners can damage hair and cause breakage. Let your hair air-dry whenever possible.
    • Trim regularly: Regular trims get rid of split ends, allowing your hair to grow without damage.
    • Use a silk pillowcase: Cotton pillowcases can cause friction, leading to breakage. A silk pillowcase is gentler on your hair and can reduce damage.


    • Avoid tight hairstyles: Tight ponytails and buns can cause traction alopecia, where hair is pulled out due to excessive tension.
    • Don’t wash your hair every day: Over-washing strips your scalp of natural oils, leading to dryness and damage. You should wash your hair 2-3 times a week.
    • Don’t use harsh chemical treatments: Avoid chemical treatments like perms, relaxers, or excessive coloring. These can weaken hair and cause it to break or fall out.

    Hydration and Hair Health

    Staying hydrated is crucial for hair health. Dehydration may lead to dry, brittle hair, which leads to breakage. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, and use hydrating hair products like leave-in conditioners or serums that lock in moisture.

    Supplements for Hair Growth

    If you’re not getting all the nutrients you need from your diet, supplements can help promote hair growth:

    • Biotin: Often called the "hair vitamin," biotin promotes hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.
    • Vitamin D: A lack of vitamin D can lead to hair loss. Supplements or 15-20 minutes of sun exposure daily can help.
    • Collagen: Collagen supplements may improve hair elasticity and strength, preventing breakage.
    • Multivitamins: A daily multivitamin that includes zinc, iron, and other essential nutrients can ensure your body gets what it needs for hair growth.

    Patience is Key

    Natural hair growth takes time. While some remedies may speed up the process, hair typically grows about half inch per month. Stay consistent with your natural hair care routine, and be patient as you wait for results.


    Growing hair naturally is all about nourishing your body and your scalp. A combination of a balanced diet, regular scalp care, natural hair masks, and the right hair habits can work wonders in promoting hair growth. Remember, consistency is key, and results will come over time. Incorporate these tips into your hair care routine, and enjoy the journey toward healthier, longer hair.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does it take to see results from natural hair growth remedies?
    Typically, you can start seeing noticeable changes in hair health within 3-6 months. However, individual results vary based on diet, lifestyle, and consistency.

    Can essential oils really promote hair growth?
    Yes, essential oils like rosemary and peppermint oil are scientifically proven to stimulate hair follicles and promote growth when massaged into the scalp regularly.

    Are supplements necessary for hair growth?
    Although, supplements are not always necessary if you’re getting adequate nutrients from your diet. However, if you have deficiencies, taking supplements like biotin or vitamin D can support hair growth.

    Will cutting my hair regularly make it grow faster?
    Trimming hair doesn’t affect how fast it grows but helps prevent split ends, which can cause breakage and make your hair look thinner.

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